the very basic way to makeup (;
just wanna share how i do my makeups .
its really really basic ,
no eyeshadows and concealer .
just the basics ;D
left-before ; right-after |
first, use an eyeliner to draw a line on ur eyelid .
im using Majolica Majorca's Perfect Automatic Liner (BK999)
[liquid eyeliner recommended]
a thin line like this will do (;
open sesame xD |
then, get a pencil eyeliner or gel eyeliner .
im using Maybelline's EyeStudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner !
i love it ! ;D
but others will do as well (:
it comes with a liner brush, but i lost mine D: |
draw a line on the bottom, not the waterline!
i dont really lyk drawing the waterline :s
draw till the centre, dont draw the whole thing
(looks emo-ish fierce)
畫一半就好了 (:
Maybelline's The Magnum Volum' Express (waterproof) |
Rimmel's Sexy Curves Mascara |
the Rimmel mascara is my fav, look the shape of the brush!
makes your lashes look volumed and curvy!
(ignore the crazy ass with that ubi she's holding ;P) |
use a mascara to 固定 your lashes so dont it wont be messed up when you wanna stick your falsies (:
i use two type of mascaras
but one is great too :D
move ur brush left and right when your brushing ur lashes
it'll make it longer ;9
dont forget to brush your bottom lashes! |
falsies timeeee ! ♥
im using The FaceShop's falsies .
im currently using the net type
tadaaaaaaaa ! ♥ ~
last step ;
C A M W H O R E ;D
c l o s e . |
o p e n . |
this is how i do my makeup
suuuper simple xD
hope you'll like it
pls share it if you like it
you can ask me any question
tru the chatbox
i'll try my best to give you the best answers :D
thankew :D
♥ e v e r y b o d y c o u l d b e b e a u t i f u l ♥